Paper board embroidered gift tags

Living in Manchester means that I often stumble across a new product or something I’ve never seen before. This happens mainly in the crafting mecca, that is Fred Aldous.

150829 Embroidered tags

I picked up a pack of Rico embroidery board earlier in the year and it been the perfect way to add some fun to some long over due thanks you gifts, for the team who I worked with at Ministry of Craft.

two tags

I’ve kept it really simple and simply worked out the letters as I’ve gone along. With hindsight I could have made the letters one hole longer in height, which would have made the ‘S’ a bit easier, but as a starting point it’s worked out okay.

Embroidered board alphabet

A few other bloggers have used this super satisfying product too, including my friend Jennifer over at Humilde Folk and blogger Tory Jayne, who made a gorgeous lampshade out of it, using cross stitch, which I’ll definitely try out next time.


Tory Jayne Embroidered board bee lampshade

The nice thing – it’s the perfect on your knee telly craft for Autumn.